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Support Kristi's Klimbers Foundation

Kristi's Klimbers Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization focused on helping cancer patients, cancer survivors and others in need of support. We provide recovery care items (mastectomy bras, head coverings, radiation robes, etc.), mammograms and other support to cancer patients. 


Kristi Pease and her family have been impacted by cancer, like many other families. Kristi's father died of brain cancer at an early age and her family has lost numerous friends and relatives to cancer. Learn more.​

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Make a Donation

You can make a tax-deductible contribution to support Kristi's Klimbers Foundation via PayPal at: 





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Other Ways to Donate
Kristi's Klimbers Foundation


Federal Tax ID: 85-4094378

Free Mammogram Program for Uninsured Women in Underserved Communities


We plan to continue to help fund free mammograms for uninsured women who reside in underserved communities in 2025 thanks to our primary 2025 co-sponsor, The Labcorp Charitable Foundation.


We are also grateful to Walmart, Harrah's AK-Chin Casino, and Applied Medical Group as well as all of our individual donors for their continued support.


A mammogram is a highly effective way to screen for breast cancer. But most states, including Arizona, do not meet the mammography screening goals set by the National Cancer Institute.


According to Tania Cotes, M.D., C.P.E., a medical oncologist at City of Hope, Cancer Center Phoenix, a variety of factors may be at play.


“These include a lack of health insurance coverage, racial demographics, cost and availability,” says Dr. Cortas. 

According to a recent study in the Journal “Cancer”, women without insurance are 60% more likely to die from breast cancer than women with health insurance.


We work to help women without insurance in underserved communities to understand the importance of getting timely mammograms by helping them fund key mammogram screenings, and we also refer them to resources within their community that can help them sign up for affordable medical insurance based on their unique financial situation. 


Thank you to all of our supporters for your unwavering support and commitment to our mission. 

With deep gratitude,


Kristi Pease   

Founder and Board of Directors President

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